Visuals are great resources to memorize important information and in this particular case we find it really helpful because you can see in just one picture the whole procedure.
If you like learning Spanish with songs this is a modern Spanish song from a Spanish band [Amparanoia] with activities to practice and learn stem changing verbs.
A fun activity we do in class is doing the process backwards, we see this visual and students deduce what to do from experience, then they put their theories in practice, check if it works and finally write their conclusions down in their notebooks.
Sequence: - show your students the visual to deduce the rules - give them 2 minutes to talk with their partners/teams/groups about it - let them share out with the class what they think they found out - check if their theories are correct - allow them to write down the process and a conclusion [if they have a journal or diary for the class, it would be the perfect place to do this] |
If you are one of my students don't forget to click on "Enviar" to send your funwork.
Want to know more?
- Ven [song in Spanish to practice stem changing verbs] [pdf]
- Power Point activity [Agapito Floriano Lacalle]
- Connecting people and statements activity [Milena Ivanova Koleva]
- Image's source: https://profmargheritaquaglia.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/duermo.png?w=560&h=469
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