Why movies? Movies are something our students like. At least, they like the format. They are familiarized with them. They probably go to the movies on the weekends with their friends. The movies are primary sources for the language. The language our students are exposed through the movies is a native language, produced for/to native speakers. The language in the movies is real. We will find a lot of authentic registers [poor people talking slang, rich people using a very sophisticated speech...] to work with. With the right activities (pre-comprehension, ...) movies are not...
Tagged under: español nivel medio, IB Spanish, IB Spanish SL, IBO in Spanish, Spanish students, Spanish teachers, Teachers, trabajo escrito español nivel medio, visual resources, written assignment Spanish B
Criterios de evaluación para el trabajo escrito. Español BI NM.
En estos tiempos la Organización del Bachillerato Internacional está viviendo un momento muy intenso, un tiempo de cambio en el que hay muchas actualizaciones y a los profesores que trabajamos con estos programas nos cuesta estar al día con todas las modificaciones que se introducen. Por eso, me he propuesto hacer esta entrada para recoger las últimas actualizaciones y explicar como funcionan y expresar mi opinión. Esta entrada va dirigida a los sufridos profesores de español del BI y a los alumnos [no menos sufridos :P] ¿Cómo van a ser evaluados los trabajos escritos de...
Tagged under: A1, A2, internet vocabulary, learning visually, spanish online activities, Spanish students, Spanish teachers, Spanish vocabulary, specific vocabulary, students, Teachers, visual learners, visual resources
Specific vocabulary: Internet
Hello all again! Today I want to share a couple of images containing specific basic vocabulary to use on a daily basis: Internet. I know it sounds too easy but I have found out that sometimes this is that obvious that it doesn't get covered in any Spanish class. When can this specific vocabulary comes in handy? The first time I realized the importance of it we were going through a web quest for my Spanish class. One of the requirements for my students were to cite their sources and they all turn to me when they...
Tagged under: false cognates, false friends English-Spanish, false friends in Spanish, false friends list, false friends lista
False friends English-Spanish (I)
False friends are pairs of words in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning. They are like people you thought they were your real friends and when you needed them they weren't there for you. We don't like them! When learning languages you have to go through this process as well, like in your real life. You have to be able to identify your real friends [cognates] from your false friends ;) You don't want to make "embarrassing" ("embarazada" actually means "pregnant" in Spanish) comments... so, take a look...
Tagged under: A2, expresiones en español, expressions, expressions in Spanish, idiomatic expressions, ser un pez gordo, sinonimos, spanish, spanish online activities, Spanish poster, visual learners, visual learning
Expressions in Spanish: Ser un pez gordo
To learn idiomatic expressions in the target language is essential because native speakers do use them all the time. Expressions are used in formal and informal speech. A language learner that is using expressions transmits certain information about him/her that is implied. Students communicating effectively with expressions show a deeper understanding of the language and also of the target culture. For showing our proficiency in a language. Once you have mastered a certain number of expressions and include them in your interactions you are ready to go beyond the language borders. Cargando... Check your...
Tagged under: activity, culture, geography, learning language through content, parents, spanish, spanish ab initio, Teachers, teaching language through content, teaching language through culture
Language through content: Geography
This is a trend we must consider when teaching/learning languages. Go a little bit further and offer something else than just the language. You'll get impress by your students response(if they like the topic chosen). This is one of the sequences we do in class: Try a website focused in a particular area of knowledge (in my case Geography) Related vocabulary (Geography) + Locations (Ser/Estar) Useful patterns: questions ¿Dónde está____? ¿En qué continente está _____(país o capital/ciudad)____? ¿Cuál es la capital de ____(país)____? Help them understand how do you use a question to build up...
Tagged under: IB, IB Profile, IBLP, IBLP activities, mentalidad abierta, open-minded, poster, spanish ab initio, Spanish B, spanish online activities
IB Profile: Open-Minded
This is another poster to use in class about the IB Profile in Spanish. This time we want to make our students reflect about being in someone's else shoes. We want them to really understand the difference and coexist with it. To be a global citizen, to be able to grasp the concept of International Awareness we need to know and show empathy and be open-minded. All these key concepts must be a part of an International Student. This time, let me borrow an interesting activity from MMNahoum included in the collaborative document for...
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