Tongue twisters are linguistic tools to improve on our pronunciation but at the same time are cultural snapshots from the target language as well.
They are a tool for improving our sounds in the language we are studying and develop fluency. They work really well because the stress bar is set really low when practicing a tongue twister.
In our minds they are link to our childhood when we were practicing tongue twisters in our Primary/Elementary School, at home with our parents or challenging our friends to see who could say it faster and correct.
Just because all these you should consider including tongue twisters in your language class.
A potential activity you can do with this visual resource is to have your students recording one of these three tongue twisters focused on "r" sound. Sometimes doing this a student realize how much progress he/she is making and is a good push for his/her motivation and/or can identify better what he/she needs to work on.
Some more possible activities you can do in class are:
- Start reading aloud a simple tongue twister slow. For instance: cuchara, cucharita, cucaracha.
- You can add words with similar sound to make it more difficult to say it.
- You can propose to your class to look for words that has a similar sound and make a class tongue twister.
- Practice tongue twisters speeding them up little by little. Try this one about tongue twisters:
El trabalenguas del trabalenguas
Si al pronunciar te trabas con las palabras,
practica con trabalenguas,
porque trabalenguando, trabalenguando,
te irás destrabalenguando.
Want to know more about tongue twisters? Check this post!
You can never be overdressed or overeducated
Oscar Wilde
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