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How to assess your students oral skills

Hi there,

We're back from our summer vacation, well rested and batteries charged, ready to start a new fresh school year ;)

It is always great to start over again thinking a little bit about what we do and why do we do this and that in our classes. Reflection is the key to keep growing.

During my beginnings I remember assessing oral skills one of my big struggles, too much going on at a time, intonation, pronunciation, grammar structures, interaction... that's why I read a lot about this specific topic to improve my way of assessing my students on their oral skills. There are million ways of doing this and every single one has a particular purpose and has to be contextualized to be valid.

I found this invaluable text online, and I mean it, because this changed my perspective on language acquisition strategies. The whole point of this text being so valuable is that you can find a million strategies to scaffold your students. Give it a try!

I summarize what I found the most important to include in a rubric for assessing oral skills in this visual that I attach to this post. 

As always if you have any questions, suggestions... contact me, I am usually looking forward to answer your emails. 

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