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Using technologies to enhance interactive learning: Edpuzzle

This is a Spanish interactive visual activity I've created for an IB unit. I found out about Edpuzzle last year, since then, I have been using it with amazing results in my class. You can just copy and paste and URL from a YouTube video and make it interactive for your language class.
You can make multiple-choice questions, open-ended, comments and also record your own voice making a question/explanation on a particular action on the video or just clarifying something that was on the video. 
Believe me, it is real simple to use, if I can use it everyone can.
This activity has been designed to introduce the concept of old technologies and get perspective on how unknown are for new generations.
At the same time the students will work through different structures and skills like comparing, justifying their opinions or using patterns to learn or practice subjunctive along with conditional.
I like to start units making predictions, and for that, we use the image on this post comparing a type writer and a laptop to make students wander about the theme of the unit. They make predictions on how the unit is going to look like, what the topic is going to be, what grammar topics are going to be covered, which verb tenses are going to be used...
Before watching the video we do this activity to activate prior knowledge introducing the unit along with essential questions to inspire, motivate and make them start thinking about the unit.

Find below some activities to use along with this video:
- Pre-activity for the video [pdf]
- Writing skills [pdf

Some skills that can be develop with this activity are:


[if you click on this keywords you'll get to my GDrive where you will find varied materials/resources to learn/practice these skills]

Fact: Using videos along with EDpuzzle super-powers to engage students improve their grades by 17%!

Learning is not a spectator sport.

3 comentarios:

  1. Murielle3/02/2017

    This is Awesome! Thanks a lot for sharing!

  2. Hi Murielle,
    Thanks for the positive comments!
    Keep in touch ;)

  3. Anónimo4/26/2019

    Hola Antonio, me encanta tu creatividad. Me identifico mucho con tu manera de trabajar!






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