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IB Spanish text types: la entrevista

This type of text is interactive, that means an interview is an active exchange between (at least) two people. Keep that in mind when writing your interview and also that the interview can appear in your paper 1, 2 and Internal Assessment as can be a valid format for your Interactive Oral exam [worth 10% of your final score]. Read some considerations underneath to score high.

Make sure you: 

- remember that the interview is a dialogue, so follow that format.
- include a title, the date of the interview and where it was conducted
- include specific features of the interview: 
  • introduction indicating the point of the interview, who is being interviewed, and who is conducting the interview.
  • set of questions and answers
  • conclusion
- use precise and clear language 
- use a informal / formal register depending upon your audience and purpose, but in most of the situations the proper register will be the formal, semi-formal.

Some documents to use along with this post to master this text type.
- Considerations to write an interview [pdf]
- An example of an interview with reading comprehension questions [pdf]

Don't forget to link this knowledge with their paper 2 and the rubrics they have use. To make sure you don't miss anything, check out the related posts underneath.

Related posts:

- Text types [for IB classes]
Spanish B Rubrics & more
Spanish ab Initio Rubrics & more

Expand your boundaries:
I did then what I knew how to do.
Now that I know better, I do better.
Maya Angelou

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