When you have these features identified make sure:
- your letter is concise and brief, this is not a literary text.
- is organized in paragraphs, the information is accurate and solid.
- you use full sentences and your vocabulary is polite and precise. DO NOT use abbreviations.
- the punctuation is correct. Periods and commas are good fellas, give them an opportunity to show off.
Resumen carta formal:
- Cartas formales e informales [online activity] [teacher's info]
- Correspondencia formal [1, 2 y 3]
Expand your boundaries:
- ¿Cómo escribir una carta? Icarito [web]
- ¿Cómo escribir una carta? WikiHow [web]
- ¿Cómo redactar una carta formal? Universia-Chile [web]
- Tipos de cartas [web]
If you are interested in more tips and ideas on IB text types swing by here.
I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.
Abraham Lincoln