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Text types: el correo electrónico

E-mails are today's representation of the regular post-mail we have had for ages. For some generations that connection is sound and clear but for younger generations, due to changes in communication channels (social networks, phone apps...) the email format is better not to take it for granted. Make sure you go through this format with your students and they understand it. 
I've found out after taking this to class that as a teacher you have to make sure your students understand that their email address is something important. Some of them, unintentionally of course, don't quite understand the difference between professional and personal/private and will use funny/unprofessional addresses such like thestudentinthebackoftehclass@jemeil.com

To read the pdf with all text features and tips, click here.

Resumen correo electrónico informal:
  • saludo inicial y despedida ("querido" / "besos")
  • incluirá algún tipo de estructura que permita identificar el texto como correo electrónico.
  • el registro será informal normalmente, debido al destinatario, tono intimista.
  • el formato debe ser el de un correo electrónico con encabezamiento y despedida (por ejemplo, "te escribo porque hace mucho tiempo que no tengo noticias tuyas... y despedida: "escríbeme")
  • se valorarán positivamente la utilización de recursos retóricos como exclamaciones y repeticiones para lograr un tono convincente

Interested in more resources? Check this page ;)

Recursos en la red:

Books, the children of the brain.
Jonathan Swift

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Text types: la presentación

A presentation is linked to oral communication and formal language. Another convention you must have on your presentation is a structure. The most typical one is introduction, development of your ideas and conclusion. The main purpose of this type of text is to inform an audience. Then, we can use an informative text features to elaborate a presentation.

Main features:
  • includes some type of greeting at the beginning and salutation at the end
  • Register will be basically formal although some informal register will be admitted too
  • express a personal point of view on the topic
  • support your ideas with examples
Tips on how to do a presentation [pdf]

Useful links:
Knowledge is the food of the soul
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Spanish ab Initio Written assignment

Clarification for 2017:
This is the official document from the IB [Subject component upload requirements] where you can find the answers to your questions. Confirmed, you do not have to submit any comments for the written assignment. It is externally assessed.
What is it?
It is an independent research written paper based on the prescribed topics divided into three sections:
This paper should be use as an instrument to know better the target culture and the student's own culture. One of the most important outcomes is to show intercultural understanding. Check out the rubric to familiarize yourself with the requirements.

There is no need to fill out the old cover sheet for the written assignment since 2015. It isn't required by the IBO anymore.


  • To develop intercultural understanding by reflecting on differences and similarities between cultures
  • To describe aspects of the target language culture(s)
  • To compare aspects of the target language culture(s) with similar aspects in the student’s culture(s)
  • To develop language competence.
Formal requirements:

  • To develop intercultural understanding by reflecting on differences and similarities between cultures
  • To describe aspects of the target language culture(s)
  • To compare aspects of the target language culture(s) with similar aspects in the student’s culture(s)
  • To develop language competence.
When the students can/must have to work on their written assignment?

The students are not allowed to work on their written assignment during their first year. This is an assignment to be completed on the second year of the course. This doesn't mean the format, requirements are not to be explained and practice in class during the first year of the course.


Your writing should be of three short written answers set out under three separate headings (obviously in Spanish):
  • A - Description: in relation to a Hispanic culture.
  • B - Comparison: between Hispanic culture and your own
  • C - Reflection: respond to three questions.
    • Which aspect of your chosen topic surprised you?
    • Why do you think these cultural similarities/differences exist?
    • What might a person from the target culture(s) find different about your chosen topic in your culture(s)?
How many sources must I have?

Between 2 and 4 in Spanish (target language) with the possibility of listing more sources in other languages. Consider using different formats for your sources: articles, videos, pamphlets, interviews... 

Word count?

Students have to produce an assignment of 200-350 words. Work which falls significantly beneath this word count is unlikely to meet the requirements of the task and will, very probably, receive low marks. If the word limit is exceeded, the assessment will just be based on the first 350 words.

Use of dictionaries and reference material?

This is the only assessment that allows students to use dictionaries and reference material.

Sources, documents & related links:
  • ab Initio WA rubric [pdf]
  • Language ab Initio Subject Guide [IBO]
  • Assessment criteria for the written assignment
  • Clarifications for the written assignment [IBO] [En] [Spa]
  • To know more about what type of texts can you write for your written assignment click here [Antonio Luna]
  • If you are interested in more materials for Spanish ab Initio, click here
  • Teaching Spanish B as well? Check our Spanish B page or this post





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