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Text types: el correo electrónico

E-mails are today's representation of the regular post-mail we have had for ages. For some generations that connection is sound and clear but for younger generations, due to changes in communication channels (social networks, phone apps...) the email format is better not to take it for granted. Make sure you go through this format with your students and they understand it. 
I've found out after taking this to class that as a teacher you have to make sure your students understand that their email address is something important. Some of them, unintentionally of course, don't quite understand the difference between professional and personal/private and will use funny/unprofessional addresses such like thestudentinthebackoftehclass@jemeil.com

To read the pdf with all text features and tips, click here.

Resumen correo electrónico informal:
  • saludo inicial y despedida ("querido" / "besos")
  • incluirá algún tipo de estructura que permita identificar el texto como correo electrónico.
  • el registro será informal normalmente, debido al destinatario, tono intimista.
  • el formato debe ser el de un correo electrónico con encabezamiento y despedida (por ejemplo, "te escribo porque hace mucho tiempo que no tengo noticias tuyas... y despedida: "escríbeme")
  • se valorarán positivamente la utilización de recursos retóricos como exclamaciones y repeticiones para lograr un tono convincente

Interested in more resources? Check this page ;)

Recursos en la red:

Books, the children of the brain.
Jonathan Swift

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