We have been talking about the format of the IA for Spanish ab Initio and the requirements that have to be followed. Today I want to analyze a bit more this assessment from the teacher perspective based on the structure provided in the Subject Guide (below). One of the most important things experience has taught me is that you have to practice this type of exam. Don't use always the same questions but you can try using same topics, similar kind of questions...
Supervised preparation time
The students receives two previously unseen stimuli, each relating to a different theme from the course and
selects one for the presentation.
Each visual stimulus must be labelled with the theme to which it relates (in Spanish). |
15 minutes
Part 1: Presentation
The student describes the visual stimulus and relates it to the theme and the target culture(s).
(approximately) 1–2 minutes
Part 2: Follow-up discussion
The teacher engages the student on the presented theme, expanding on what the student has provided in the presentation.
(approximately) 3–4 minutes
Part 3: General discussion
General conversation on at least one additional theme taken from the five themes.
(approximately) 3–4 minutes
What can I do to help my students score the highest on this exam?
Part 1
Presentation (approx. 2 minutes)
- is clearly relevant to one of the five themes in the course
- is culturally relevant to the target language
- offers opportunities for students to demonstrate their international-mindedness
- offers sufficient visual text for students to describe a scene or situation
- allows the student to offer a personal interpretation
- enables the teacher to lead the student in a wider conversation
- is relevant and of interest to the student's age group
The students must not see these stimuli prior to the examination.
The same five stimuli can be used for up to ten students sitting the examination. If there are more than ten students sitting the examination, two visual stimuli from each theme must be prepared.
The following table provides an example of how the teacher may choose to distribute the visual stimuli to ensure that each student receives two stimuli, each relating to a different theme. Teachers may wish to have two copies of each stimulus available in the event that examination site arrangements require a student to be in the “supervised preparation” phase at the same time as a different student is sitting parts 1–3 of the examination.
Part 2
Follow-up discussion
(approximately 3–4 minutes)
The teacher should then engage the student in conversation arising from the theme represent by the visual stimulus. This conversation should not be limited to a simple question and answer format.
We have to pay attention to the questions we make. Our questions should:
- seek clarification or extension of observations made by the student in the presentation
- invite the student to respond to ideas presented by both the visual stimulus and the teacher
- encourage connections and comparisons with the student’s other cultural experiences
- provide the student with opportunities to demonstrate his or her understanding and appreciation of the target language culture(s)
- encourage the student to engage in authentic conversation to the best of his or her ability.
- be open-ended questions in order to offer the student the opportunity for authentic engagement
- Some questions or phrases we can use to make sure our questions are relevant are:
- ¿Qué piensas sobre _____ ?
- ¿Qué te parece ____
- Desde tu punto de vista ____
- ¿Cuál es tu opinión acerca de ____ ?
Part 3
A general discussion (approximately 3–4 minutes)
The teacher should signal that they are moving to the final section of the individual oral assessment in order to prepare the student for the change of theme. The teacher may use a phrase such as:
Let’s now talk about other things
We’ll now talk more generally.
I’d like to ask you some questions about other things.
In Spanish:
- Ahora vamos a hablar de otras cosas.
- Me gustaría hacerte algunas preguntas sobre otros temas.
- Permíteme que te haga algunas preguntas sobre otros temas.
This section lasts 3–4 minutes and should:
- introduce at least one additional theme
- seek clarification or extension of observations made by the student in relation to the additional theme(s) broached
- invite the student to respond to ideas that arise in the general discussion
- encourage connections and comparisons with the student’s other cultural experiences
- provide the student with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and appreciation of the target language culture(s)
- encourage the student to engage in authentic conversation to the best of his or her ability
- allow an assessment of the student’s interactive skills.
Have some dept budget? You might be interested in this ;)
Related links:
- All you need to know about Spanish ab Initio [web]
- Management of the Individual Oral [pdf]
- Resources based on the IB format [web]
- Rubrics for Spanish ab Initio [web]
What we learn with pleasure we never forget.
Alfred Mercier
Is there a way to be added to your Google Share folder?
ResponderEliminarEres mi heroe! Gracias.
Hola Kari:
ResponderEliminarPues no tengo una carpeta compartida en GDrive, las cosas las suelo compartir aquí en la web y a través de la página de facebook. ¿Buscas algo en particular? Escríbeme un email y lo miramos, ¿sí?
HOLA Antonio,
ResponderEliminarle agradezco mucho sus esfuerzos . no se si puedes hacer modelos interos de examen ib especialmente con los cambios nuevos del paper 2. gracias
Hola Luna:
ResponderEliminarGracias por tu página Web, me ayuda mucho. Acabo de obtener un trabajo a tiempo completo en una escuela internacional en Alemania. Empecé la última semana de diciembre. Te puedes imginar que locura, sin entrenamiento y para colmo esta es la primera vez que enseno ib. En marzo tengo que hacer por primera vez los exámenes internos con mis estudiantes. Por casualidad, ?Tendrás una lista de preguntas para la sección 3 que yo pueda seguir? preguntas generales que coincidan con cada tema. No estoy familiarizada con los 5 temas de ib ni nada. Y estoy mega estrésica.
Muchas gracias :)
Profe Luna,te felicito por hacer un blog sobre el IB. Mi alumna recibió esta calificación en una presentación sobre fútbol femenino: 'the presentation is not clearly linked to the targeted culture'
ResponderEliminarPor favor ¿me podrías aclarar qué es lo que se busca en la presentación oral con este criterio tan ambiguo y general?. Ella basó su presentación en la discriminación salarial de las mujeres en el fútbol.
Gracias por tu tiempo.