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Los meses del año

Foundations are crucial to build up a solid knowledge, but connections are equally relevant to internalize it and make it ours. When you are learning the months of the year in Spanish you can also talk about:
- Days of the week
- Calendar [different types of calendar, religious calendars, roman calendar...]
- weather
- seasons
- cultural traditions or celebrations related to a specific month
- ... 
You can get started with the activity below to familiarize with the names of the months and the order.
Organiza=Ordena=Enumera los meses del año.

If you like music and find motivational learning/teaching with music, there is a well-known song associated to the months of the year in English that you can adapt to Spanish. Your students will appreciate this type of activity in your class to break the ice or to finish the class. Something I usually do in my class is first I sing the song for them. Then we sing it together and from then on we assign a different student for each class who will lead the class singing this song. This little responsibility helps them build confidence, public speaking, leadership and help them realize how difficult is to lead a class with a several human beings.

"Los meses del año" + "Las estaciones" [comparar]
Along with this activity your students can answer questions like:
  • ¿cuándo es invierno en tu ciudad? ¿enero? ¿abril? ¿julio?
  • ¿cuál es tu mes favorito? ¿con cuál estación se corresponde? ¿por qué es tu preferido?
  • ¿en qué mes naciste? ¿qué estación era? ¿hacía frío? ¿calor? Puedes preguntar a tu familia para recopilar esta información.

Writing to practice comparisons + seasons in Spanish. Get it here [pdf]

Quiz on Month sayings [online

Want to know more?
= is a symbol we use for synonyms. 

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
Albert Einstein

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