Learning languages is always attached to learning skills, as many other things. Those who follow the IB curriculum have noticed that there are three main skills at beginners / intermediate level:
Through grammar activities, in this case suffixes, we can help our students to keep building on these three skills. Actually, you can always adapt your activities to do that, but keep in mind to be creative, otherwise your students will fall into a sleepy routine.
Check the resources to get the activities with full instructions.
Developing Mr Lewin's statement a bit more: challenge your students, give them something to think about, let them make mistakes, help them learn from their own mistakes, make connections to different topics/subjects, give them tools to grow rather than just give them information.
These activities can be connected to nationalities if you are working with emergent communicators.
Do you know the game Hangman? Practice a bit what you've learnt in this post:
Too often we give children answers to remember
rather than problems to solve
Roger Lewin