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ab Initio Resources: Comida y bebida

In these posts I am planning on compiling all resources I use/have for each topic, apart from my units. 

It is just a matter of organization, most of these resources are not even mine or produced by me but still, I do use them in my classes. Just looking to have everything in one place for easier access.

You are most welcome to look around and take what you need. System is as simple as always, divided by types of assessments and also activities and vocabulary. If you want to check what's on just click and you will be redirected to the pdf.

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IB Spanish text types: el póster

To start understanding what a poster is a good starting point can be questioning yourself. Try these three questions:
1. What is the most important/interesting thing from my poster?
2. How can I visually share my idea with my audience?
3. What kind of information can I convey during my talk that will complement the poster?
More things to consider when making a great poster:
- important information should be readable from about 10 feet away
- title is short and draws interest
- word count of about 250 to 500 words
- text is clear and to the point
- use of bullets, numbering and headlines to make it easier to read
- graphics, color and fonts help people understand your idea better
- consistent and clean layout
- includes acknowledgements, your name and institutional affiliation 

Remember that the IB enforces creativity, so don't be shy when comes to adding related features from related texts. 

What a poster reminds you of? Maybe a pamphlet? brochure? 
In short, to score full points in this format, the student must include [this is the very minimum]:
  • Title
  • Paragraphs (short)
  • Visual (s) (image, photo, drawing...)s (short)
    - visual (image, photo, drawing...)
- How to make a movie poster [web]
- How to make a poster [web]
- Text types [web]
- Text types: brochure [web]

Children are not good or bad, they are just that, children.





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