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Speaking activities: Niños fumando

This activity has been designed for my Spanish students, therefore most of the responses will be in Spanish and focused in the IB exam format.


1.- Look at the image in this post and describe the scene [be as specific as you can, to the detail]
2.- Mention the topic this image is related to and justify it
3.- Give your personal point of view
4.- Develop your ideas and don't forget about supporting details 
5.- End with a personal reflection

Think about these three questions, they can help you develop your ideas:

  • What's going on in this picture? / ¿Qué está pasando en esta foto?
  • What do you see that makes you say that? / ¿En qué te apoyas para decir eso?
  • Do you find any connection to your own culture? / ¿Encuentras alguna conexión con tu propia cultura?

Then, join the conversation by posting comments below and responding to the comments of others. Your teacher can give you personalized feedback replying to your comments below.


Context information for the image:
You can see kids smoking, they are chatting out of St Louis Times, the newspaper they worked for, in 1910.

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