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Writing visual activities to get started with paper 2 in ab Initio

We, teachers, know that abInitio is a tough course and we are always looking for new ways of helping our students to rush through the syllabus. 
I found this activity great to help my students to develop their writing skills at the very beginning, scaffolding them with visuals to come up with a story. But also works great with more advanced students to help them develop more creativity in their tasks.

Remember that is also crucial that all your writing activities involve text types format, as it is taking into account when it comes to grading.

Ab Initio paper 2 resources
El individuo y la sociedad
Trabajo y ocio
El medio urbano y rural
Cuestiones globales
Datos personales, apariencia y carácter
Geografía física
Medios de comunicación
La ciudad y sus servicios
Tiempo meteorológico
Salud física

All images used are from http://publicdomainvectors.org/, if you are looking for free images to use in your classes, I highly recommend this site, it is awesome!

Too often we give children answers to remember
rather than problems to solve
Roger Lewin

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