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Text types: Publicación en redes sociales

Our students are very familiarized with this type of text and that is great but at the same time we have to make sure that they don't incorporate some misleading ideas that might be out there.

Features of this type of text:
  • Informal register
  • Usage of graphic text: emoticons, etc.
  • Exclamations, questions marks, capital letters, etc.
  • Short and concise messages
  • Usually referring to a specific person or situation
  • Interaction with other users
  • Hashtags, keywords
  • Clear objective
There are some different social networks that have slight differences between them: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.
It is useful to know them and their characteristics in order to target our text better, for instance, Twitter is focused more on short messages, where the most important thing would be the content, whereas in Facebook would be more common to see visuals.

Remember that knowing the type of text you are writing and the main features is essential to score highly in your paper 2 (Writing), and that is going to be a 25% of your final score.


Nine tenths of education is encouragement
Anatole France

1 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo2/14/2023

    Good morning,
    Is it possible to have one example of a written text using this format?
    I want to show one example to my students.
    Thank you






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