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Ab Initio Unit: Alimentación y consumo de bebidas

Ab Initio Unit: Alimentación y consumo de bebidas
This unit is simple to connect to working places, commands in Spanish, international mindedness through different types of food, recipes, etc. An activity that is fun and works fine for this unit is the usage of realia to represent a play or a role-play in restaurants, grocery stores, etc. Is also great to practice interactive oral skills with your students having them have conversations, dialogues centered in this topic. Start with Quizlet to review/learn the vocabulary and then jump below to find activities ;) Activities  Conecta el dibujo con la palabra [vocabulario visual]...
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ab Initio Unit: Ocio

ab Initio Unit: Ocio
In this unit you can talk basically about two sub-topics: Tiempo libre Deportes I recommend practicing interactive oral activities in this unit as it is really easy to use or to come up during our IA. As a general conversation topic you can always talk about what you do in your free time, after school, etc. ...
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