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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta IB Spanish. Mostrar todas las entradas
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Independent learning

There is a debate at a college level whether Independent learning should be included in the first year curriculum, considering it as one of the secrets to success in tertiary education (Rachael Field, James Duffy & Anna Huggins, 2014).  

According to Zimmerman (1986, p. 308), when students are able to self-regulate their learning, they: 

  • have an understanding of their own approach to learning and how best to maximize their learning in the most efficient ways
  • are motivated to take responsibility for their learning 
  • are able to work with others to enhance the depth and breadth of their learning
I personally think that is a skill that should be learned at a secondary level as well. And for doing this, we have to adapt the idea and the resources to our learners. This presentation is my adaptation, a simple way of introducing our learners to their independence in our Spanish class.

If you put this into practice in your class, please contact me and let me know how it went.

There are more ways of motivating our students to be more independent, if you are interested in this approach, check these posts below:

  • Independent Learning Skills, Self-Determination Theory and Psychological Well-being: Strategies for Supporting the First Year University Experience [pdf]
  • Independent learning: a literature review and a new project [pdf]
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Mi cuaderno de lectura [Como agua para chocolate] Nivel Superior

Gracias a la fantástica Fátima Dif incorporamos nuevos materiales para el curso de Nivel Superior. En este caso, nos trae un cuaderno de lectura para la novela Como agua para chocolate, la novela escrita por Laura Esquivel en 1989 y que está incluida entre las 100 mejores novelas del siglo XX.

Si estás interesada/o en trabajar estos materiales, lee con atención las instrucciones que se proporcionan y descárgate el cuaderno de lectura en pdf. Recuerda que el trabajo no termina al leer la novela, lee los comentarios de tu profe y presta atención a las acciones recomendadas para mejorar. Una buena estrategia puede ser idea un plan de acción con fechas concretas para poder medir tu progreso.

El cuaderno de lectura consta de:

  • 10 páginas con preguntas que te ayudarán a guiar tu lectura y comprender y extraer conclusiones de una manera más ordenada y acertada sobre la novela.
  • Anexo 1: Una tarea creativa para seguir consolidando conocimientos después de la lectura de la novela.
  • Anexo 2: Un planificador para realizar tu trabajo escrito


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Los pronombres complemento (I)

A mí me encanta dibujar, por lo que supuse que mis alumnos también disfrutarían dibujando cosas. No soy nada bueno, con lo que además de visualizar los conceptos mis alumnos se ríen un rato. Así que empezamos a dibujar en clase y los resultados son excelentes (en algunos casos). 

De todos modos, brindar la oportunidad de procesar a través de un dibujo un concepto gramatical a un alumno es una gran experiencia en tanto que plasma su propia idea y nos permite visualizar como de madura está esta idea en nuestra clase.

Esta figura gramatical adquiere especial importancia si estás estudiando el programa del Diploma, puesto que siempre aparece un ejercicio basado en este tipo de pronombres en la prueba 1, tanto en el nivel ab Initio como en el nivel medio.

Actividad 1
Después de usar la segunda imagen que adjuntamos ya sabemos que podemos preguntarle a la oración: ¿qué? para descubrir el CD [lo/la] o ¿quién? para descubrir el CI [le/les]. Ahora vamos a hacer una actividad para ver si lo hemos comprendido.

Actividad 2
Ahora que has organizado las oraciones, prueba a sustituir el CD y el CI por los pronombres complemento. 
Por ejemplo: 
Oración: Nuestra clase ganó el concurso. 
Pregunta: ¿Qué ganó nuestra clase?
Respuesta: el concurso.
Sustitución: Nuestra clase lo ganó.

Descárgate las imágenes en pdf aquí.

Actividad 3
Comprueba lo que has aprendido completando los huecos con pronombres complemento.

Quizás también quieras fisgar un poco por aquí:
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Text types: el correo electrónico

E-mails are today's representation of the regular post-mail we have had for ages. For some generations that connection is sound and clear but for younger generations, due to changes in communication channels (social networks, phone apps...) the email format is better not to take it for granted. Make sure you go through this format with your students and they understand it. 
I've found out after taking this to class that as a teacher you have to make sure your students understand that their email address is something important. Some of them, unintentionally of course, don't quite understand the difference between professional and personal/private and will use funny/unprofessional addresses such like thestudentinthebackoftehclass@jemeil.com

To read the pdf with all text features and tips, click here.

Resumen correo electrónico informal:
  • saludo inicial y despedida ("querido" / "besos")
  • incluirá algún tipo de estructura que permita identificar el texto como correo electrónico.
  • el registro será informal normalmente, debido al destinatario, tono intimista.
  • el formato debe ser el de un correo electrónico con encabezamiento y despedida (por ejemplo, "te escribo porque hace mucho tiempo que no tengo noticias tuyas... y despedida: "escríbeme")
  • se valorarán positivamente la utilización de recursos retóricos como exclamaciones y repeticiones para lograr un tono convincente

Interested in more resources? Check this page ;)

Recursos en la red:

Books, the children of the brain.
Jonathan Swift

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Different content different perspective

Teaching at a High School is always interesting and dynamic. Most of it has to do with all the changes and adjustments our students have to deal with throughout this crucial stage of their lives. Puberty is not an easy stage to go through. So, why don't we try to be a bit more realistic, why don't we try to adjust our content to their interests. In a language class we have to talk about physical appearance, personality, descriptions... why don't we give a try to a more teenager-centered texts instead of the boring classical ones.

This worksheet can be used as a regular reading comprehension activity but also follows the IB format for IB classes.


  • Reading Comprehension activity [pdf]

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
Albert Einstein
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IB Spanish text types: la entrevista

This type of text is interactive, that means an interview is an active exchange between (at least) two people. Keep that in mind when writing your interview and also that the interview can appear in your paper 1, 2 and Internal Assessment as can be a valid format for your Interactive Oral exam [worth 10% of your final score]. Read some considerations underneath to score high.

Make sure you: 

- remember that the interview is a dialogue, so follow that format.
- include a title, the date of the interview and where it was conducted
- include specific features of the interview: 
  • introduction indicating the point of the interview, who is being interviewed, and who is conducting the interview.
  • set of questions and answers
  • conclusion
- use precise and clear language 
- use a informal / formal register depending upon your audience and purpose, but in most of the situations the proper register will be the formal, semi-formal.

Some documents to use along with this post to master this text type.
- Considerations to write an interview [pdf]
- An example of an interview with reading comprehension questions [pdf]

Don't forget to link this knowledge with their paper 2 and the rubrics they have use. To make sure you don't miss anything, check out the related posts underneath.

Related posts:

- Text types [for IB classes]
Spanish B Rubrics & more
Spanish ab Initio Rubrics & more

Expand your boundaries:
I did then what I knew how to do.
Now that I know better, I do better.
Maya Angelou
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IB Spanish text types: Blog

Changing our perspective on what we have known is essential to approach this type of text: the blog. What is it? It can be said it is a digital text. What again, what "digital text" really means?  
It means that the format is digital, is telling us where can we find these texts. The digital world is too new for us yet, and this is what is giving us trouble categorizing a blog. Let's step into a quick activity to find out what a blog really is.

Instructions: Base your answer on the table above. What type of text would you say a blog is?
Use the table above to answer this question. Provide at least two evidences to support your answer.

 What type of text is a blog?






After completing this activity you should have realized that blogs step in some different types of texts. So, what's the next question? 
What makes a text a blog?

In a telegraphic way, if you are writing a blog, don't forget to include:
• Date, time and username
• Title
• Use the first person when writing (yo)
• Awareness of your audience (make it easy, make it direct, start with a paragraph mentioning your audience)

• Register (usually informal, but pay attention to the specific instructions of the task)

As you probably have noticed we are modeling in this post how to guide our students through this tough concept to gain this knowledge by themselves.
At this point, if you want to share the main characteristics or some interesting thoughts on blogs you can use this summary.
Don't forget to link this knowledge with their writing paper and the rubrics they have to use. To make sure you don't miss anything, check out the related posts underneath.

Related posts:
- Spanish B Rubrics & more
- Spanish ab Initio Rubrics & more

Expand your boundaries:
Develop a passion for learning.
If you do, you will never cease to grow.
Anthony J. D'Angelo
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Using technologies to enhance interactive learning: Edpuzzle

This is a Spanish interactive visual activity I've created for an IB unit. I found out about Edpuzzle last year, since then, I have been using it with amazing results in my class. You can just copy and paste and URL from a YouTube video and make it interactive for your language class.
You can make multiple-choice questions, open-ended, comments and also record your own voice making a question/explanation on a particular action on the video or just clarifying something that was on the video. 
Believe me, it is real simple to use, if I can use it everyone can.
This activity has been designed to introduce the concept of old technologies and get perspective on how unknown are for new generations.
At the same time the students will work through different structures and skills like comparing, justifying their opinions or using patterns to learn or practice subjunctive along with conditional.
I like to start units making predictions, and for that, we use the image on this post comparing a type writer and a laptop to make students wander about the theme of the unit. They make predictions on how the unit is going to look like, what the topic is going to be, what grammar topics are going to be covered, which verb tenses are going to be used...
Before watching the video we do this activity to activate prior knowledge introducing the unit along with essential questions to inspire, motivate and make them start thinking about the unit.

Find below some activities to use along with this video:
- Pre-activity for the video [pdf]
- Writing skills [pdf

Some skills that can be develop with this activity are:


[if you click on this keywords you'll get to my GDrive where you will find varied materials/resources to learn/practice these skills]

Fact: Using videos along with EDpuzzle super-powers to engage students improve their grades by 17%!

Learning is not a spectator sport.
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Learning Spanish through songs: Lyrics training

Teenagers love music. Teachers love learning. Make a cocktail and you obtain Lyrics training.

You can use your Facebook account to sing up and get a free account in this site.

Once you have made your students sign up they will have to choose their level:

- beginner
- intermediate
- advanced 
- expert

and two modes:

- write: they will be typing the words [this can be interesting to set up a Spanish keyboard in your computer and get some practice]
- choice: they'll get to choose from one out of four options. 

Apart from this, the site offers two more activities to do along with the song:
- karaoke
- new exercise [just for teachers] what you can basically do is just change the words and select write or choice mode.

So far, I have been using it with my students for out-of-class practice. If they like Enrique Iglesias they can spend a full evening listening to the song in Spanish.

If your students like music, this is a great way to go, they will improve their listening/comprehension skills, pronunciation, memorize phrases...

A short selection of similar sites to learn languages with music:
- http://www.lyrics.com/

Interested in music for a language class?
Check this out!

If you want to get laid, go to college.
If you want an education, go to the library.

Frank Zappa

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Portafolios de estudiantes de español

Antonio Luna¡Hola! ¿Qué tal chiquis?
Esta entrada es simplemente para que tengamos en un sitio los enlaces y podamos acceder a nuestros portafolios de manera fácil y rápida. Podéis revisar los objetivos que perseguimos. Además, debajo os pongo los enlaces que están relacionados con esta actividad.

¿Qué vamos a conseguir con los portafolios?
  1. Desarrollar una conciencia crítica sobre nuestro propio trabajo/aprendizaje. Autonomía = Independencia.
  2. Estructurar las tareas de aprendizaje. Recopilación del proceso de aprendizaje individual. Materiales para repasar. Se puede usar para enviar a las universidades junto con nuestras solicitudes.
  3. Evaluación formativa y sumativa.
  4. Disponer de una herramienta para la reflexión en nuestro aprendizaje.
  5. Desarrollar nuestra capacidad de resolución de problemas.
  6. Usar la retroalimentación para perfeccionar nuestro aprendizaje. Producción-revisión-modificación-producto final.
  7. Desarrollar nuestra capacidad creativa.

Veer Agrawal
Veer Shergill

Grado 7 (ordenados por orden alfabético)

Grado 9 (ordenados por orden alfabético)

Grado 11 (ordenados por orden alfabético)

Enlaces relacionados:

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Spanish B Unit: Sensacionalismo

This topic is always on fire. Talking about media, communication, mass media, newspapers, news... is bringing to our classes the reality and is totally necessary to help our students go through this format and type of information. The Internet made our world a rapid changing world and we need now to re-learn how to interpret and consume information. 
I usually use the following quotes to start our classes with a brief debate after going through the definition of sensationalism. We can talk about Subjective vs. Objective as a stepping stone for this unit. A few questions that can be used along with the quotes:

- Who are/were they?
- Are these quotes objective or subjective?
- Do you agree with this type of thinking? why?

 Some newspapers are fit only to line the bottom of bird cages. [Spiro T. Agnew]
 What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. [W. H. Auden]
 It is precisely the purpose of the public opinion generated by the press to make the public incapable of judging, to insinuate into it the attitude of someone irresponsible, uninformed. [Walter Benjamin]

Learn the unit vocabulary with Quizlet:

More ideas to put in practice with this unit:
- Word families activity
We learn vocabulary by associating words with concepts in our brain, the more connections and meanings you make for a word the longer it will remain in your memory and the easier you will learn it. You can make your students look for similar prefixes and suffixes, find similar words with a similar meaning...

Below you'll find everything you need to teach/learn this unit with your IB Spanish SL class. If you think something can be improved, you have materials/resources than can be used along with these ones and/or you are missing something listed here, any links are not working... please give me a shout! 

Unit's resources:





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